In order to have a successful busines a company must have a good marketing plan. Most companies prior to making a good morketing plan must know their marketing environment. Basically they have to know their target market, as far as who they are more appealing to, must know their demographics, and how to satisfy the most ammount of their consumers without hurting its image. Events that UFC throws like FAN EXPO lets casual fans meet fighters take pictures, listen to the announcements, buy UFC apperel and for the most part, the Expo lets UFC

fans comment on what right and wrong with the direction that the company is heading. Pictured on the right is Jose Aldo, right after his win of featherweight championship belt in his home country Brasil, he got up on the cage and jumped over 10 feet down into the crowd full of his fans knowing that he'll be caught and safe. Those crazy people happen to be the mojority of UFC fans.
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